Statement of changes in equity

Issued capitalShare premiumOther reservesCumulative translation differencesRetained earningsTotal
Balance as at 01.01.2018 145 84880 19952 4525 682449 995734 176
Profit for the period----321 602321 602
Other comprehensive income--(1 096)1 477-381
Total comprehensive income for the period--(1 096)1 477321 602321 983
Payment of dividend (note 35)----(449 585)(449 585)
Balance as at 31.12.2018145 84880 19951 3567 159322 012606 574

Issued capitalShare premiumOther reservesCumulative translation differencesRetained earningsTotal
Balance as at 01.01.2017 145 84880 19954 0015 670382 856668 574
Profit for the period----449 835449 835
Other comprehensive income--(1 549)12-(1 537)
Total comprehensive income for the period--(1 549)12449 835448 298
Payment of dividend----(382 696)(382 696)
Balance as at 31.12.2017145 84880 19952 4525 682449 995734 176