A4 Motorway Rzeszów-Dębica


Balance Sheet

ASSETS 31.12.2016 31.12.2015
Non-current (long-term) assets    
Property, plant and equipment 92 668 61 821
Investment properties 3 762 3 888
Intangible assets 29 707 3 761
Investments in subsidiaries 724 473 724 323
Investments in associates 61 246 61 246
Investments in other entities 6 417 6 597
Other financial assets 16 537 6 666
Trade and other receivables 12 878 11 120
Retentions for construction contracts 39 835 35 404
Deferred tax assets 400 046 401 824
Total non-current (long-term) assets 1 387 569 1 316 650
Current (short-term) assets    
Inventories 159 498 79 329
Trade and other receivables 462 329 379 325
Retentions for construction contracts 46 767 25 649
Amounts due and receivable from customers under construction contracts 290 016 155 241
Other financial assets 1 717 2 333
Cash and cash equivalents 2 272 110 1 983 136
Total current (short-term) assets 3 232 437 2 625 013
TOTAL ASSETS 4 620 006 3 941 663
EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 31.12.2016 31.12.2015
Issued capital 145 848 145 848
Share premium 80 199 80 199
Other reserves 54 001 53 909
Foreign exchange differences on  translation of foreign operations 5 670 5 630
Retained earnings 382 856 208 753
Total shareholders’ equity 668 574 494 339
Long-term liabilities    
Loans, borrowings and other external sources of finance 29 374 11 551
Retentions for construction contracts 194 624 196 185
Provisions for non-current liabilities and other charges 180 765 153 495
Retirement benefits and similar obligations 5 348 5 358
Other financial liabilities 7 5
Total long-term liabilities 410 118 366 594
Current liabilities    
Loans, borrowings and other external sources of finance 18 463 18 382
Trade and other liabilities 1 397 654 1 019 137
Retentions for construction contracts 174 635 158 641
Amounts due and payable to customers under construction contracts 1 337 780 1 229 015
Deferred revenue 408 741 464 616
Provisions for current liabilities and other charges 157 540 130 964
Current tax liability 45 272 58 313
Retirement benefits and similar obligations 1 025 926
Other financial liabilities 204 736
Total current liabilities 3 541 314 3 080 730
Total liabilities 3 951 432 3 447 324