Sprawozdanie z sytuacji finansowejSprawozdanie z sytuacji finansowej

Sprawozdanie z sytuacji finansowej

Financial Statements:
Budimex Group

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

(PLN thousand) Equity attributable to the shareholders of the Parent Non-controlling interests Total equity
  Issued capital Share premium Other reserves Foreign exchange differences on translation of foreign operations Retained earnings Total
Share-based payments Actuarial gains/ (losses)
Balance as at 1 January 2015 145 848 87 163 6 712 (1 896) 5 326    276 112 519 265 3 244 522 509  
Profit for the period - - - - - 235 846 235 846   674 236 520  
Other comprehensive income - - - (652) 99 -             (553)     - (553)  
Total comprehensive income for the period - - - (652) 99  235 846 235 293 674 235 967
Dividends - - - - - (155 989)   (155 989) - (155 989)
Share-based payments - - 637 - - - 637 - 637
Balance as at 31 December 2015 145 848 87 163 7 349 (2 548) 5 425     355 969 599 206 3 918 603 124  

(PLN thousand) Equity attributable to the shareholders of the Parent Non-controlling interests Total equity
  Issued capital Share premium Other reserves Foreign exchange differences on translation of foreign operations Retained earnings Total
Share-based payments Actuarial gains/ (losses)
Balance as at 1 January 2014 145 848 87 163 5 370 (786) 5 101 383 627 626 323 18 852 645 175
Profit for the period - - - - - 191 973 191 973 1 965 193 938
Other comprehensive income - - - (1 110) 225 - (885) - (885)
Total comprehensive income for the period - - - (1 110) 225 191 973 191 088 1 965 193 053
Dividends - - - - - (302 532) (302 532) - (302 532)
Share-based payments - - 1 342 - - - 1 342 - 1 342
Increased share in subsidiary - - - - - 3 044 3 044 (17 573) (14 529)
Balance as at 31 December 2014 145 848 87 163 6 712 (1 896) 5 326 276 112 519 265 3 244 522 509
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