Consolidated profit and loss accountConsolidated profit and loss account

Consolidated profit and loss account

Financial Statements:
Budimex Group

Consolidated profit and loss account (PLN thousand)

  Year ended on
31 December
  2015 2014
Continued activity    
Net revenues from sales of products and services as well as goods for resale and raw materials 5,133,994 4,949,939
Cost of products, services, goods for resale and raw materials sold (4,641,280) (4,517,259)
Gross profit on sales 492,714 432,680
Selling expenses (29,742) (27,660)
General and administrative costs (190,081) (177,743)
Other operating income 56,205 60,191
Other operating costs (36,878) (40,150)
Operating profit 292,218 247,318
Financial income 39,545 42,841
Financial costs (31,535) (41,688)
Share in net (losses) of subsidiaries by equity method (3,427) (5,852)
Profit before tax 296,801 242,619
Income tax (60,281) (48,681)
Net profit from continued activities 236,520 193,938
Net profit for the period 236,520 193,938
of which profit attributable to:    
shareholders of the Parent Company 235,846 191,973
non-controlling interests 674 1,965
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