Financial Statement: Budimex Group

Consolidated profit and loss account (PLN thousand)

  Year ended 31 December
  2013 2012
Continuing operations    
Net revenue from sales of finished goods, services,
goods for resale and raw materials
4 749 459 6 077 660
Cost of finished goods, services, goods for resale and raw materials sold (4 354 043) (5 617 789)
Gross profit on sales 395 416 459 871
Selling expenses (28 364) (24 371)
Administrative expenses (162 917) (193 362)
Other operating income 44 181 65 780
Other operating expenses (107 991) (139 172)
Gains/ (losses) on derivative financial instruments (1 131) 13 663
Profit on disposal of a subsidiary 194 112 -
Operating profit 333 306 182 409
Finance income 30 498 67 063
Finance costs (28 256) (40 723)
Gains on derivative financial instruments 407 -
Share in net (losses) of
equity accounted subordinates
(4 684) (6 121)
Gross profit 331 271 202 628
Income tax (29 971) (16 646)
Net profit from continuing operations 301 300 185 982
Net profit for the period 301 300 185 982
of which:    
Attributable to the shareholders of the Parent Company 300 480 185 982
Attributable to non-controlling interests 820 -
Basic and diluted earnings per share attributable
to the shareholders of the Parent Company (in PLN)
11,77 7,28


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