Financial Statement: Budimex Group

Consolidated statement of financial position (PLN thousand)

ASSETS 31 December
31 December
Non-current assets    
Property, plant and equipment 83 755 111 192
Investment properties 24 529 3 256
Intangible assets 4 106 2 992
Goodwill of subsidiaries 73 237 73 237
Investments in equity accounted companies 3 518 16 966
Available-for-sale financial assets 8 381 17 135
Retentions for construction contracts 24 804 19 202
Trade and other receivables 20 703 -
Concession agreement receivables 22 376 -
Derivative financial instruments 692 -
Non-current prepayments and deferred costs 4 793 4 176
Deferred tax assets 351 336 311 651
Total non-current (long-term) assets 622 230 559 807
Current (short-term) assets    
Inventories 697 046 876 206
Loans granted and other financial assets 3 164 -
Trade and other receivables 525 675 401 836
Retentions for construction contracts 18 217 49 419
Amounts due and receivable from customers under construction contracts 146 630 227 490
Current tax assets 331 935
Derivative financial instruments 131 5 724
Cash and cash equivalents 1 658 783 1 317 733
Current prepayments and deferred costs 14 546 9 061
  3 064 523 2 888 404
Non-current assets (disposal groups) classified as
held for sale
Total current (short-term) assets 3 064 523 2 888 404
TOTAL ASSETS  3 686 753  3 448 211


31 December
Shareholders’ equity attributable to the shareholders of the Parent Company    
Share capital 145 848 145 848
Share premium 87 163 234 799
Other reserves 4 584 2 705
Foreign exchange differences on translation of foreign operations 5 101 2 190
Retained earnings (losses) 383 627 47 588
Total shareholders’ equity attributable to the shareholders of the Parent Company 626 323 433 130
Equity attributable to non-controlling interests 18 852 -
Total equity 645 175 433 130
Non-current liabilities    
Loans, borrowings and other external sources of finance 34 355 75 967
Retentions for construction contracts 161 347 161 143
Provisions for non-current liabilities and other charges 147 676 141 521
Retirement benefits and similar obligations 4 381 3 747
Derivative financial instruments 226 -
Total non-current liabilities 347 985 382 378
Current liabilities    
Loans, borrowings and other external sources of finance 19 729 17 718
Trade and other liabilities 1 217 984 1 287 594
Retentions for construction contracts 189 466 222 146
Amounts due and payable to customers (investors) under construction contracts 689 915 534 870
Advance payments received 276 325 274 050
Provisions for current liabilities and other charges 120 126 116 060
Current tax liability 16 147 6 225
Retirement benefits and similar obligations 1 117 1 036
Derivative financial instruments 499 257
Short-term accruals 156 931 161 608
Short-term deferred income 5 354 11 139
  2 693 593 2 632 703
Liabilities relating directly to non-current assets (disposable groups) classified as held for sale - -
Total current liabilities 2 693 593 2 632 703
Total liabilities 3 041 578 3 015 081
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