Corporate Governance
Internal Control and Risk Management
Key features of the Company’s internal control and risk management systems with respect to the process of preparation of the financial statements of Budimex SA and the Budimex Group
Wola CenterThe Management Board of Budimex SA is responsible for the implementation and functioning of the internal control system in the process of preparation of separate financial statements of Budimex SA and consolidated financial statements of the Budimex Group.
The obligation to prepare financial statements is realised in practice by qualified personnel of the Financial Department under the supervision of a Management Board Member – the Chief Financial Officer of Budimex SA.
Preparation of annual financial statements is preceded by a meeting of the Audit Committee with independent auditors in order to determine the audit scope and plan, and to discuss potential risk areas which may have impact on the truthfulness and fairness of the financial statements. Preparation of the financial statements is an orderly process which accounts for the delegation of duties of the personnel of the Financial Department of Budimex SA, in accordance with their competences and qualifications.
Separate financial statements of the Company are prepared on the basis of its books of account. The books of account of the most significant Group companies are maintained using the finance and accounting system, SAP R/3, which has been used for financial and management accounting purposes since 1 January 2003. The SAP R/3 system is managed centrally by qualified employees of Budimex SA who define authorization levels for implementation and modification of transaction data, templates of key reports and changes in the Company’s chart of accounts.
Consolidated financial statements are drafted on the basis of consistent consolidation packages prepared electronically by individual Group companies. The process of consolidation is executed by the Department of Reporting and Consolidation and is supervised by the Head of the Accounting Department.
The companies of the Budimex Group apply consistent accounting policies approved by the Management Boards of Budimex SA and subsidiary companies. The correctness of application of the accounting policies by individual companies is regularly monitored by the Department of Reporting and Consolidation and by the Controlling Office of Budimex SA.
The Department of Reporting and Consolidation of Budimex SA is responsible for recommending solutions relating to modifying and updating accounting policies and other WSE reporting requirements, as well as for implementing solutions approved by the Management Board.
During preparation of the financial statements, among others, the following control activities are realised:
- assessment of significant, non-routine transactions in terms of their effect on the financial position of the Group or the manner of their presentation in the financial statements,
- verification of correctness of the assumptions underlying accounting estimates,
- comparative and substantive analyses of financial data,
- verification of arithmetical correctness and consistency of financial data,
- analysis of disclosure completeness.
Additionally, in 2013, the controls concerning the process of financial reporting were subject to analysis from the point of view of effectiveness and completeness conducted by independent experts.
Annual financial statements are forwarded to the Chief Financial Officer for preliminary verification and then to the Management Board for final verification and authorisation.
Annual financial statements are subject to an audit by an independent certified auditor who presents post-audit conclusions and observations to the Audit Committee and then to the Supervisory Board.