Cash Flow Statement

CASH FLOW STATEMENT 01.01 - 31.12.2012 01.01 - 31.12.2011
A. Cash flow from operating activities
I. Net profit (loss) 112,249 132,732
II. Total adjustments (277,335) 98,016
1. Shares in net (profits) losses of companies valued using the equity method - -
2. Depreciation/Amortization 30,547 25,577
3. Foreign exchange (gains) losses (773) 914
4. Interest and shares in profits (dividends) (16,410) (35,577)
5. (Profit) loss on investing activities 110,085 180,493
6. Change in provisions 25,073 23,568
7. Change in inventories 119,767 (25,768)
8. Change in receivables 31,502 (20,386)
9. Change in current liabilities, except for loans and borrowings (168,338) 105,951
10. Change in accruals and prepayments (404,862) (163,068)
11. Other adjustments (3,926) 6,312
III. Net cash flows from operating activities (I +/- II) (165,086) 230,748
B. Cash flow from investing activities
I. Inflows 33,742 68,346
1. Disposal of intangible and tangible assets 1,013 4,732
2. Disposal of investments in real properties and intangible assets - 8,899
3. Financial assets, of which: 29,699 52,610
a) in affiliated companies 29,699 38,400
- disposal of financial assets 9,678 1,400
- dividends and shares in profits 20,021 37,000
- repayment of long-term loans granted - -
- interest - -
- other cash inflows from financial assets - -
b) in other entities - 14,210
- disposal of financial assets - 14,013
- dividends and shares in profits - -
- repayment of long-term loans granted - -
- interest - 197
- other cash inflows from financial assets - -
4. Other inflows from investing activities 3,030 2,105
II. Expenditures 102,716 238,963
1. Acquisition of intangible and tangible assets 12,721 9,375
2. Investments in properties and intangible assets - -
3. Financial assets, of which: 84,010 229,588
a) in affiliated companies 84,010 229,588
- acquisition of financial assets 84,010 229,588
- long-term loans granted - -
b) in other entities - -
- acquisition of financial assets - -
- long-term loans granted - -
4. Other capital expenditures 5,985 -
III. Net cash flows from investing activities (I - II) (68,974) (170,617)
C. Cash flow from financing activities
I. Inflows 85,000 -
1. Net proceeds from issue of shares (delivery of equities) and other equity instruments and capital contributions - -
2. Loans and borrowings - -
3. Issue of debt securities 85,000 -
4. Other inflows from financing activities - -
II. Expenditures 379,521 245,095
1. Acquisition of own shares (equities) - -
2. Dividends and other payments to owners 280,065 231,814
3. Expenditures arising from profit distribution, other than payments to owners - -
4. Repayment of loans and borrowings - -
5. Redemption of debt securities 85,000 -
6. Arising from other financial liabilities - -
7. Payments of liabilities under finance lease 11,031 11,847
8. Interest 3,425 1,434
9. Other financial expenditures - -
III. Net cash flows from financing activities (I - II) (294,521) (245,095)
D. Total net cash flows (A.III. +/- B.III. +/- C.III.) (528,581) (184,964)
E. Balance sheet change in cash balance, of which: (528,447) (185,004)
- change in cash due to foreign exchange differences 134 (40)
F. Cash and cash equivalents - opening balance 1,569,995 1,754,999
G. Cash and cash equivalents - closing balance (F +/- E), of which: 1,041,548 1,569,995
- restricted cash 37,210 74,685